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2 years 10 months ago

The Optical Head (OH) of the MAJIS (Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer) instrument which was delivered to IAS in mid-August has been calibrated at the IAS calibration facilities. This crucial stage in the life of a space instrument allows us to assess the performances of the instrument in conditions very close to those it will encounter in space, and to make the final adjustments to its control with the electronics spare (the electronic flight unit having already been delivered).

2 years 12 months ago

The MAJIS project has reached an important milestone by delivering the main electronics (ME) to Airbus for integration into the heart of the satellite in order to be best protected from Jupiter radiation. This box allows to drive the instrument, to compress and to format the science and auxiliary data thanks to the on-board software developed by the IAS in partnership with the CNES.


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