
Prerequisites, configuration and compilation

To check if you have all the required software, type (in the cesam2k20 root directory)


To configure your Makefiles, type

./configure.sh conf

where conf is one of:
We strongly recommend using gfortran_h5 or gfortran as the ifort configuration file was designed for an old version of ifortran.
If you use another system or compiler, you need to create a file compiler_system.mk using one of the examples (gfortran_linux.mk, for example) as inspiration. Share the file with us if it works!

Add the following lines to your .bashrc or equivalent:
export CESDIR="cesam_root_folder"

if [ -z ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ]
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${CESDIR}/lib"

export PATH="$PATH:${CESDIR}/bin/"
export PATH="$PATH:${CESDIR}/vicmodels/bin/"

export aprgdir="${CESDIR}/adipack/"
export PATH="$PATH:${aprgdir}/bin/"

export cesacordir="${CESDIR}/ACOR/"
export PATH="$PATH:${cesacordir}/bin/"
(replace cesam_root_folder with your actual Cesam2k20 root directory!).

You can now compile Cesam2k20. Type make install and you're done!

You may need to be root to install python libraries, or you can do it locally.

Known issues with the installation

Running and testing

Setup a directory to compute a model and type
run_cesam2k20.py model_name
in that directory to run cesam2k20. You can replace model_name with any name you wish. A GUI appears where you can choose your parameters. Click OK to calculate the model. In the end, you should have a message with the end status of your calculation.

Successful calculations end with several files in your directory:

Compile Cesam2k20 for HDF5 outputs

