Download models
All models provided here can be read with pycesam
. For each model, we provide the input file (.don), the structure file (.osc) and the file that contains global quantities (.HRnew). If non default options are used to initialize the model, the .run file is also provided.
Solar models
1. Standard solar models
1.1. A very simple solar model
This is the model you obtain when you run cesam2k20 from the GUI, with default parameters:
The physics used is
- No mass loss;
- Final age of 4570 Myrs;
- Reference solar chemical composition: AGSS09 ;
- Convection: MLT with \(\alpha_\mbox{MLT}\) fixed along evolution;
- No overshoot;
- No diffusion;
- No radiative acceleration;
- No rotation;
- EoS and opacity interpolated from OPAL 2005 tables, supplemented at low temperature with Wichita opacity tables;
- Nuclear reaction rates follow the NACRE and LUNA tables;
- Neutrino losses follow Haft+1994 (plasma neutrinos) and Weigert+1966 (photoneutrinos);
- The \(T(\tau)\) relation is a Hopf function taken from Mihalas book on stellar atmsopheres.
1.2. A very simple solar model, with high numerical precision
Input file is exactly the same as above, except that we use the precision tuned to compute models for the PLATO grid of stellar models:
1.3. Optimal solar model
A solar model where initial helium and \(\alpha_\mbox{MLT}\) were tuned to reach \(T_\mbox{eff} = 5772~\rm K\) and \(L = L_\odot\). Same physics as above.
1.4. Optimal solar model, with high numerical precision
Same as above, with PLATO precision.