
The documentation of Cesam2k20 needs updating.

A very complete description of the CESAM2k in french can be downloaded here. Except for the description of the compilation process which have been simplified a lot, and the description of input files that have more options now, it remains an exhaustive description of the code.

A short version of this description was kindly translated few years ago by Daniel Reese and is available here.

An updated version is currently being translated in english (still incomplete) and can be downloaded here.

Status of the translation (last update: 29 feb 2024):
Chapter Translated Up-to-date
Part I: Installation and usage:
Quick start guide
Advanced setup
For developers
Debug Partially
Part II: Description of Cesam2k20:
Physics to numerics Partially (~1/3)
Physical subroutines Partially (44/460) Partially (161/460)
Numerical subroutines Partially (8/109) Partially (47/109)
Part III: Documentation of the pycesam Python package:
Core package pycesam
Graphic User Interface pycesam.gui
Running tests and grids
Part IV: Interface between CESTAM and other codes:
Stellar oscillation programs Empty Empty
Optimization programs