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PDRs4All VI: Probing the Photochemical Evolution of PAHs in the Orion Bar Using Machine Learning Techniques

TitlePDRs4All VI: Probing the Photochemical Evolution of PAHs in the Orion Bar Using Machine Learning Techniques
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsPasquini, S, Peeters, E, Schefter, B, Khan, B, Sidhu, A, Chown, R, Cami, J, Tielens, A, Alarcon, F, Canin, A, Schroetter, I, Trahin, B, Van De Putte, D, Boersma, C, Dartois, E, Onaka, T, Candian, A, Hartigan, P, Lai, TS-Y, Rouille, G, Sales, DA, Zhang, Y, Habart, E, Berne, O
JournalarXiv e-prints
KeywordsAstrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
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