IAS Ph.D. student awarded Springer Thesis prize
09/07/2014 - 15:45
Recent IAS graduate student Stéphane Ilic has been awarded the prestigious Springer Thesis award for his thesis entitled “The Large Scale Structures: A Window on the Dark Components of the Universe”.
The thesis of Stéphane Ilic was nominated by the Physics Department of the Université Paris Sud for its scientific excellence and research impact. The prize resulted in Stéphane's thesis being published in the Springer Theses series that recognizes outstanding Ph.D. research. It is now available from Springer on their website. In addition, Stéphane, who defended his thesis publicly in October 2013, also received a cash prize of 500 Euros.
Contact at the IAS: Mathieu.Langer @ ias.u-psud.fr