"Fête de la Science" at IAS
IAS is participating to the national open lab day "Fête de la Science" in the week of October 10th. After visits by students from several schools, the laboratory will be open for the general public on Sunday October 16th, from 2 to 6PM.
In building 121:
14:00: The Sun and its cousins, the stars (Frédéric Baudin)
14:30: Visit of the Calibration Station, followed by fun experiments on vacuum and cryogeny (Jérémie Hansotte and Mathieu Condamin)
15:15: Last news from exoplanets (Marc Ollivier)
16:00: Visit of the Calibration Station, followed by fun experiments on vacuum and cryogeny (Jérémie Hansotte and Mathieu Condamin)
16:15: Exploring Mars, challenges and future missions (Cédric Pilorget).
16:40: Live retransmission (if possible) of the Schiaparelli module separation from the ExoMars TGO probe ; Schiaparelli will start its descent to the red planet.
17:00: Visit of the Calibration Station, followed by fun experiments on vacuum and cryogeny (Jérémie Hansotte and Mathieu Condamin)
17:45: Extra-terrestrial matter : meteorites, dust, asteroids, comets (Zélia Dionnet)
During all afternoon, for younger people: « Nono the Martian robot »
In building 105, all afternoon :
Inside a solar storm, a virtual reality immersion (Miho Janvier)
Movies “The solar corona like never seen before”
The eye of Mars – Martian curiosity with sensors, computers, and beamers, made of aluminium and acrylic (des Vues de l'esprit)