Phoebus papers

Appourchaux, T.: The structure of the solar core: an observer's point of view, SOHO6, Boston

Appourchaux, T. and the Phoebus Group: Comparative studies of low-order and low-degree p modes, SOHO6, Boston

Appourchaux, T. and the Phoebus Group: g-mode detection: where do we stand?, SOHO10, Tenerife

Frohlich, C. and the Phoebus Group: Observational upper limits for low-degree solar g modes, SOHO6, Boston

Frohlich, C. and the Phoebus Group: Observational upper limits for low-degree solar g modes, Submitted to ApJ

Finsterle, W. and Frohlich, C.: Reduction of noise in the total solar irradiance, SOHO6, Boston

Aide memoire for g-mode search, 1st Phoebus workshop, 1997

Aide memoire for g-mode search, 2nd Phoebus workshop, 1998

Last updated by Thierry Appourchaux on Octobre 27, 2000