Appourchaux, T. : The Luminosity Oscillations Imager, a space instrument: from design to science / Course presented at the XV Winter School in Tenerife, 2004
Appourchaux, T. : Results from the Luminosity Oscillations Imager on board SOHO: Low-degree p-mode parameters for a 4-year data set / Paper presented at the SOGO workshop, Tenerife, 2000
Appourchaux, T. and the VIRGO team : Results from the Luminosity Oscillations Imager on board SOHO: Low-degree p-mode parameters for a 2-year data set / Paper presented at the 6th SOHO workshop, Boston, 1998
Appourchaux, T., Andersen, B.N., Frohlich, C., Jiménez, A., Telljohann, U. and Wehrli, C., : In-flight performances of the VIRGO Luminosity Oscillations Imager aboard SOHO. / Solar Physics, 170, 27
Appourchaux, T., Andersen, B.N. and Sekii, T., 2002: What have we learnt with the Luminosity Oscillations Imager over the past 6 years?" / Paper presented at the SOHO11 conference, Davos
Appourchaux, T. and Chaplin, W.: Does the excitation and damping of the acoustic eigenmodes vary over the solar cycle? An insight from LOI observations / Oral contribution presented at the SOGO conference, 2000
Appourchaux, T. and Gizon, L.: The art of fitting p-mode spectra / Paper presented at the IAU181 in Kyoto
Appourchaux, T., Gizon, L., Rabello-Soares, M.C. : The art of fitting p-mode spectra: Part I. Maximum Likelihood Estimations. / Published in Astron. Astrophys. Sup. Series
Appourchaux, T., Rabello-Soares, M.C., Gizon, L. : The art of fitting p-mode spectra: Part II. Leakage and noise covariance matrices. / Published in Astron. Astrophys. Sup. Series
Appourchaux, T. and Toutain : Detection of the p modes in the guiding signals of the LOI / Paper presented at the IAU181 in Nice, 1996
Appourchaux, T., Toutain, T., Telljohann, U., Jiménez, A., Rabello-Soares, M.C., Andersen, B.N., and Jones, A.R. : Frequencies and splittings of low-degree solar p modes: Results of the Luminosity Oscillations Imager / Astron. Astrophys. 294, L13
Appourchaux, T., Toutain, T., Jiménez, A., Rabello-Soares, M.C., Andersen, B.N., and Jones, A.R. : Results of the Luminosity Oscillations Imager / Paper presented at the 4th SOHO workshop, Monterey, 1995
Appourchaux, T., Telljohann, U., Martin, D., Fleur, J. and Léveque, S. : The Luminosity Oscillations Imager on board VIRGO: Design and Performances / Paper presented at the 4th SOHO workshop, Monterey, 1995
Frohlich, C., Appourchaux, T. and Gough, D.O. : Dependence
on azimuthal order of the amplitudes of low-degree p modes / Paper
presented at the SOGO workshop, Tenerife, 2000
Last updated by Thierry Appourchaux on 1 October, 2002