The interstellar medium beyond 3D

A Ψ2 scientific program of the Paris-Saclay University
held at Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (209-F) - July 3-28, 2017

The ISM beyond 3D

A four week scientific program on the complex multi-phase physics of the Galactic interstellar medium to be held at Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale and sponsored by the Ψ2 initiative of the Paris-Saclay University and by Hyperstars, a project funded by the CNRS mission inter-disciplinaire.

In this Ψ2 program we aim to bring together pioneering researchers to pose, explore, and answer paramount questions about the nature and evolution of the multi­phase ISM from which stars form.

Topics explored

  • Dust as a tracer of structure
  • The multi-phase ISM
  • The magnetized ISM
  • Interstellar turbulence


A total of 38 participants are attending the program thanks to funds allocated by the Ψ2 initiative. Twenty scientists from the Paris area also involved in the activities of the program. The full list of participants can be found here.


Each participant is provided with a desk in one of the 7 offices adjacent to a lounge and a seminar room. The program favours open collaboration time, with only two talks per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

On the Monday of each week, participant are invited to give a 5 min. presentation, showing what they are interested in or working on. At the end of each week everyone is invited to present a few rough slides on what they did during the week. The full program can be found here.