Project ASTRO 2002-2003
by Dr Caroline Barban and Dr Hervé Dole

The Solar System and the Planets
The goal of this visit is to give the kids an idea of the relative sizes of the planets of our Solar System.
After a 15 min introduction with slides, we distributed to each kid a sheet "Planets of Our Solar System" and some clay.
Each kid has to create his/her own planet with clay, to the size given in the table we provide. Then, they can compare the size of Mercury (3mm) and Jupiter (9cm) or the Earth (8mm). It's fun for them to create a planet. At the end of the class, we put the all the planets on a table and asked the kids to stand close to it; we then explained what are the main differences between giant (gaseous) and telluric (rocky) planets.
Visit done on December 19th, 2002.
Presentation of the Solar System
13 slides presenting the planets, asteroids, dust, comets
[Web Page] [PDF]
Solar System Sheet for each kid
with a table indicating the planets sizes
[Word] [PDF]
Images of the Visit
[Web Page]

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Caroline Barban and Hervé Dole

Last modified: Fri Mar 21 20:25:10 MST 2003

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