Home CIB and EBL Galaxies Model Simulations Downloads Publications

Downloads about Infrared Galaxies


- Ponthieu, Grain, Lagache 2011 POKER suite (power spectrum estimation)
Check the poker web site

- Bethermin et al., 2011 model IDL programs
Check the IDL programs section of the model page

- IAS Stacking Library in IDL, Bethermin et al 2010
v1.0 release (18-Dec-2009): ias_stacking_lib.tgz (tgz file, 22Mb)
Please cite those 2 publications Bethermin, Dole, Beelen, Aussel, 2010, AandA (512, 78) and Bavouzet, 2008, PhD Thesis Univ. Paris Sud 11 http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00363975/fr/ if using this software.

- FASTPHOT PSF fitting routine in IDL, Bethermin et al 2010b
v1.0 release (12-May-2010): fastphot.tgz (tgz file, >1Mb)
README file and pdf 5-page documentation.
Please cite Bethermin, Dole, Cousin, Bavouzet, 2010, AandA (516, 43) if using this software.

- Lagache et al., 2004 model IDL programs
Check the IDL programs section of the model page. This model is superseeded by the Bethemin et al. 2011 model (see above)

Data and models

- Observed Planck HFI number counts Planck HFI count page (updated in 2013)

- Observed Spitzer MIPS number counts MIPS count page (updated in 2010)

- Observed BLAST number counts BLAST count page

- Model number counts and SEDs model count and SED sections, in IDL saveste and ascii formats.

- Lower limit EBL, and Kneiske and Dole 2008/2010 model EBL page

- http://www.ias.u-psud.fr/irgalaxies -
Groupe Matière Interstellaire et Cosmologie
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), bat 121, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France.
Université Paris Sud 11 and CNRS (UMR 8617)