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Publications in ADS


A detailed description of our research (mine and the group) is available at the group Cosmology and Extragalactic (COSM!X) of IAS .

Slides/videos of science talks:
  • Unveiling galaxy cluster candidates at z>2 with Planck, Herschel; Prospects for JWST, Euclid (First Galaxies, First structures, 2019) slides
  • Les fonds cosmiques et les amas de galaxies: mieux comprendre la formation des grandes structures (Collège de France, 2019) video et slides
  • Protoclusters of galaxies: from Planck to the Euclid and JWST era (IAP colloqium, 2018):
  • Planck Results and the Large Scale Structure (winter 2013-14) : slides pdf (30Mb)
  • Review of the Cosmic Infrared Background (September 2013): slides pdf (19Mb)

Videos or Radio (in English or French)

  • My presentation at TEDxHEC in 2019 « Big Bang, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and our Culture » 9 minutes (en anglais):
  • My TEDx Ecole Polytechnique conference, Apr 23, 2015: "why the night is dark ?" Duration: 17 minutes:
  • Emission sur France Inter en 2019 : le temps d’un bivouac : les tréfonds de l’univers
  • France Inter, "La tête au carré" of Mathieu Vidard, Apr 6th, 2015: Planck and Herschel discover missing link in galaxy formation. 8 minutes in audio mp3:
  • France Culture, "Continent science" of Stéphane Deligeorges, Apr 7 2014: "Planck satellite and the beginnings of the universe". 54 minutes in audio mp3:
  • France Culture, "Science publique" of Michel Alberganti, March 29th, 2013: "what Planck tells us". 54 minutes in audio mp3 (with Nabila Aghanim, Aurelien Barrau, Alain Riazuelo):


  • Extragalactic Astrophysics; Cosmology
  • Galaxy formation and evolution;
  • Nature of Infrared Galaxies; Statistical properties of galaxies;
  • Extragalactic Background Light; Cosmic Infrared Background;
  • Modelization;
  • Characterization and calibration of IR space instruments;
  • Multi wavelength observations, e.g. submm, mm, radio;
  • Large Scale Structure; Galaxy Clusters; Cosmic Microwave Background; Reionization.


- http://www.ias.u-psud.fr/dole -
Pr Hervé Dole, PhD
Tel: 33 1 69 85 85 72. Fax: 33 1 69 85 86 75. Email: Herve.Dole ias.u-psud.fr
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), bât 121, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France.
Université Paris-Saclay and CNRS (UMR 8617) and IUF (2010-15)