Movie gallery : FESTIVAL in action !


The Moon transit of February 25, 2007

A CME propagating from EUVIA all the way through HI2A

Examples of Carrington and polar Grids

A CME seen by STEREOA & B and SOHO

The sky seen by STEREO A & B

STEREO A HI1 & 2, 6-month long running difference movie

Jupiter and its satellites in C2

CMEs & a comet in January 2002

An EIT wave observed simutaneously by STEREO A & B and SOHO

Animated GIFs


The FESTIVAL 2.0 way of looking at the Moon transit of February 25, 2007


The Moon transit was observed by STEREO B. With FESTIVAL 2.0, you can do "regular" movies, with only one instrument at a time, like the four movies of the transit seen by EUVI in its four wavelengths. But you can also easily make movies of the whole scene by combining data from as many instruments as you want. You can easily adjust the zoom factor and the centering of the field of view. And with the compact mode, FESTIVAL keeps all the images as close in time as possible.


A CME propagating from EUVIA all the way through HI2A
The initiation of this CME on February 9, 2007 can be seen in EUVIA at 17.1 nm as an opening of loops. The zoomed in view shows it best. Then it propagated through COR2A to enter the HIA FOV. In these movies, COR1s are PB running differences, COR2s ar e PBs, and HIs are running differences of filtered images. The last movie was made with a heavy filter to enhance the CME fronts that propagate all the way through HI2A.


Examples of Carrington and polar grids overlays


A CME seen by STEREO A & B and SOHO
This movie show a CME lifting off the East limb as seen simultaneously by STEREOB (left), SOHO (center) and STEREOA (right).


The sky seen by STEREO A & B
The sky seen by the HIs from April to August 2007. Two movies were produced sing FESTIVAL in compact linked mode, then the individual frames were pasted side by side using a perl script. Naturally, one has to keep in mind that the two halves of the images are taken from two viewpoints.


HI1 & HI2 running difference
HI1 & HI2 running difference movie from April to August 2007. The stars were filtered using a thresholded median. Their original positions are overlayed in red. We used a "Hammer Aitoff" projection.


Jupiter and its satellites in C2
Jupiter, Ganymède and Callisto seen in LASCO C2 in october 2005.


An EIT wave observed by STEREO A & B and SOHO
An EIT wave observed on December 7, 2007.



CMEs and a comet in January 2002
Top: a series of CMEs and a comet in the field of view of LASCO C3. Bottom left: a CME on January 8 with MkIV images filling the gap between EIT and C2. Bottom right: a close-up on the prominence eruption seen by EIT and MkIV.


Animated GIFs of EIT, C2 and C3 composites assembled from individual jpeg images: