Domingo, V., Sanchez, L., Appourchaux, T., Frohlich, C., Wehrli, C., Hoeksema, T., Crommelynck and J.Pap, On the effect of active regions on the solar irradiance, ESLAB symposium, in press, 1997
Finsterle, W. and Frohlich, C.: Reduction of noise in the total solar irradiance, SOHO6, Boston
Rabello-Soares, M.C., Roca Cortes, T., Jimenez, A., ANdersen, B.N. and Appourchaux, T.: An Estimate of the Solar Background Irradiance Power Spectrum, A&A, 318, 970, 1997
Wehrli, C., Appourchaux, T., Crommelynck, D., Finsterle, W., Frohlich, and Pap, J. : Solar irradiance variations and active regions observed by VIRGO experiments on SOHO, IAU 181, Nice, in press
Last updated by Thierry Appourchaux on July 7, 1998 at 11:32