Wavelengths: 402 nm
500 nm
862 nm
Bandwidths: 5 nm
5 nm
5 nm
Effective bandpass The spectral profiles can be found on the ftp server:ftp.estec.esa.nl/pub/loitenerife/PurpleBook.
They are ascii files called virgospmblu.dat, virgospmgrn.dat, virgospmred.dat with 2 columns (wavelength, transmission).
Effective opacity /optical depth: To be derived from the bandpasses
Power on detectors 402 nm: 23 uW
500 nm: 28 uW
862 nm: 30 uW
Lifetime sensitivity variation: 402 nm: 95% (IPHIR and SOVA2, 335 nm)
500 nm: 49% (IPHIR and SOVA2)
862 nm: 17% (IPHIR and SOVA2)
Detector stability
Temperature sensitivity (effect of the filter included)
402 nm: -710 ppm/K
500 nm: -1040 ppm/K
862 nm: -270 ppm/K
402 nm: TBD
500 nm: TBD
862 nm: TBD
Temperature sensitivity: See above
Particle sensitivity:
Transmission drop: 402 nm: 52%
500 nm: 7%
862 nm: 1%
UV sensitivity: No UV data available (yet!)
Surface contamination: Unknown
Angular sensitivity: Unknown
V/F converters: included in total instrumental noise
Total Instrumental Noise
Short Term (above 1 mHz) 402 nm: See Fig SPM-I
500 nm: better than at 402 nm
862 nm: better than at 402 nm
Long Term (below 1mHz) 402 nm: See Fig SPM-I
500 nm: better than at 402 nm
865 nm: better than at 402 nm
Figure SPM-I: Power spectral density of the dark-current noise
of the SPM blue channel, and an LOI pixel calculated from time series of
68 h and 45 h respectively. In the 5-minute range the noise of the SPM
is about 5 x 105
times smaller than the noise between the p
modes of IPHIR (= 0.5 ppm2 uHz-1). For the LOI pixel
it is about 1.2 x 106 times smaller than the noise expected
for a 12th of the solar disk (12 time the noise power of the full disk)
Last updated by Thierry Appourchaux on February 14, 2002