VIRGO Publications

Andersen, B.N. 1991, Adv. Space Res., vol. 11, No. 4, 93-102: VIRGO -- solar irradiance and radiance monitoring on SOHO

Fröhlich, C., Andersen, B.N., Berthomieu, G., Crommelynck, D., Delache, P., Domingo, V., Jiménez, A., Jones, A.R., Roca Cortés, T., and Wehrli, C. 1988, in The SOHO Mission. Scientific and Technical Aspects of the Instruments, ed. E.J. Rolfe, Paris: ESA SP-1104, 19-23: VIRGO: The solar monitor experiment on SOHO

Appourchaux, T., Sekii, T., Gough, D.O., Lee, U., Wehrli, C. and the VIRGO team, Structure inversion with the VIRGO data IAU 181, 1996, in press

Fröhlich, C., Crommelynck, D.A., Wehrli, C. et al : In-flight performance of the VIRGO solar irradiance instruments on SOHO , Solar Physics , in press

Fröhlich, C., Andersen, B.N., Appourchaux, T. et al, : First results from VIRGO, the experiment for helioseismology and solar irradiance monitoring on SOHO , Solar Physics , 170, 1

Last updated by Thierry Appourchaux on Friday, January 12, 1998 at 10:36