An unexpected use of large optical telescope: imaging the small scale structure of the diffuse interstellar medium

By combining multi-wavelength data obtained from space with Planck and WISE, and from the ground with MegaCam on the CFHT, a team of researchers has revealed the structure of the diffuse interstellar medium over several square degrees with unprecedented details. In particular, this study reveals the statistical properties of interstellar turbulence over a wide range of scales, from 0.01 to 10 pc.

The main innovation of this work is the use of a large optical telescope (the CHFT) to study the structure of the interstellar medium at high resolution and on a large area on the sky, something that is very challenging to obtain with more classical observations done in the infrared. This mapping of these interstellar cirrus clouds located within a few hundred parsec from the Sun can be done because interstellar dust grains scatter starlight. This scattered light has been detected for decades by optical telescopes. Here it is the first time that is exploited scientifically to study the structure of interstellar clouds which is composed of faint filametary structures of various sizes. The result obtained benefit from specific image processing and data acquisition techniques developped in the context of the MATLAS Large Program of the CHFT that aims at detecting faint diffuse emission around galaxies.

One advantage of the high angular resolution provided by the CFHT data is to eventually reach the angular scale at whcih turbulent energy dissipates. Understanding the exact process by which kinetic energy is dissipated and heat the gas is essential as it is key in the formation of dense structures that lead to the formation of stars. For instance, recent studies based on Herschel observations of molecular clouds have revealed the presence of filaments with width of 0.1 pc that seem constant whatever their mass. This observational fact has been attributed to the energy dissipation process, namely the ambipolar diffusion (friction between neutrals and ions). The present study is showing that the dissipation scale in the interstellar medium is smaller than 0.01 pc which brings important constraints on the exact process resposible for this dissipation.

These results are emphasizing the fact that scattered light from cirrus, an important source of pollution for deep imaging destined to mapping diffuse structures around massive galaxies, is carrying potentially precious information about the nature of the physical processes involved in the evolution of matter in our own galaxy.


Probing interstellar turbulence in cirrus with deep optical imaging: no sign of energy dissipation at 0.01 pc scale, 2016, A&A, in press
M.-A. Miville-Deschênes, P.-A. Duc, F. Marleau, J.-C. Cuillandre, P. Didelon, S. Gwyn, E. Karabal


Optical images in real colours of the cirrus field obtained with MegaCam on the CFHT.

Planck, Wise and MegaCam fields (from left to right). The black rectangle in the Planck and Wise images show respectively the Wise and MegaCam field of view.

Top: MegaCam g-band image of the field around NGC 2592 and NGC 2594. The two galaxies are located close to the center of the image. Bottom-left: Planck radiance. Bottom-right: WISE 12 μm. The black rectangle indicates the area of the MegaCam field. The dashed-line rectangle on the radiance map indicates the area of the WISE field shown on the right. This figure is taken from the original paper (Miville-Deschenes et al. 2016)

Combined power spectrum : black is Planck radiance, red is WISE and blue is MegaCam. The units of the y axis are arbitrary; each power spectrum was scaled in order to match the others. For each power spectrum, we show data points corresponding to scales larger than the beam and where the power is above the noise component. The data points shown here are noise subtracted and divided by the beam function. The best fit gives P(k) ~ k−2.9±0.1.

Zoom on a portion of the MegaCam field.

Zoom on a portion of the MegaCam field.