PRONEXT (PROcessus NEbulaires à la surface des grains EXTraterrestres)
PRONEXT (PROcessus NEbulaires à la surface des grains EXTraterrestres)
CLASP (Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectro Polarimeter, NASA) is another rocket-borne instrument which objective is the measure of the polarisation of chromospheric Ly alpha radiation in order to measure the chromospheric magnetic field.
Contact: F. Auchère
MICMOC est l’acronyme de Matière Interstellaire et Cométaire : Molécules Organiques Compexes et s’intéresse à la formation, l’évolution et la caractérisation de la matière organique extraterrestre, que celle-ci soit interstellaire ou interplanétaire (cométaire pour l’essentiel).
INGMAR (IrradiatioN de Glaces et Météorites Analysées par Réflectance VIS-IR
Euclid is an ESA mission that will map the geometry of the Dark Universe. The mission will investigate the distance-redshift relationship and the evolution of cosmic structures by measuring shapes and redshifts of galaxies and clusters of galaxies out to redshifts ~2, or equivalently to a look-back time of 10 billion years. In this way, Euclid will cover the entire period over which Dark Energy played a significant role in accelerating the expansion of the Universe.
Contact IAS: Nabila Aghanim & Hervé Dole
SICAL (Simulateur d'Irradiation de Carbones Amorphes en Laboratoire)
The Sun and its corona as seen by HECOR and HEIT: preliminary results.
Launched on September 14, 2009 from White Sands Missile Range (New Mexico), the Herschel sounding rocket was carrying two experiments with strong IAS participation: HECOR and HEIT.
The BepiColombo mission was launched on October 19, 2018 for an arrival at Mercury in 2026. This ambitious mission will study all aspects of the closest planet to the sun, from interior to surface to magnetosphere. More details on the launch here.
Contacts : Yves Langevin, François Poulet, Mathieu Vincendon
The Japanese mission Hayabusa2 aims at studying and returning samples of the C-type asteroid "Ryugu", a first in the exploration of the Solar System. These asteroids are considered to have preserved among the most primordial materials in the solar system, and to possibly be the parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites, primitive meteorites containing a significant fraction of organic matter (up to a few percent).
OMEGA is the spectro-imaging instrument of the ESA Mars-Express mission, inserted into Martian orbit the 25th of December 2003. The instrument has observed most of the Martian surface from a polar orbit, over several Martian years. As of 2023, OMEGA still operates on a daily basis, acquiring VIS-NIR (0.35-1.1 µm) reflectance spectra of the surface and atmosphere of Mars, and occasional Phobos during low altitude flybys. Infrared observations (2.5-5.2 µm) of the surface and atmosphere remain possible with OMEGA, they are acquired on-demand for high priority science targets.
OMEGA has a new dedicated website with up-to-date information including current projects, detailed instrument description, access to both raw and high level data products: |