Non-VIRGO collaborations

Fierry-Fraillon, D. and Appourchaux, T. : Effect of a gap-filling method on p-mode parameters, SOHO10, Tenerife

Fierry-Fraillon, D. and Appourchaux, T.: Effect of a gap-filling method on p-mode parameters, 2001, MNRAS, in press

Martic, M., Schmitt, J., Lebrun, J.-C., Barban, C., Connes, P., Bouchy, F., Michel, E., Baglin, A., Appourchaux, T. and Bertaux, J.-L., Evidence for global pressure oscillations on Procyon, published inA&A

Oliviero, M., Severino, G., Strauss, T., Jefferies, S.M. and Appourchaux, T.: Space and time analysis of the solar phostospheric dynamics at moderate l values, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Rabello-Soares, M.C. and Appourchaux, T.: Measurements of GONG low-degree p-mode parameters,  SOHO6, Boston

Rabello-Soares, M.C. and Appourchaux, T.: Solar low-degree p-mode parameters from the GONG network,  published in A&A

Rabello-Soares, M.C., Appourchaux, T. and Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.: Rotation of the solar core inferred from GONG data,  SOHO6, Boston

Sanderson, T., Appourchaux, T., Hoeksema, T. and Harvey, K.:Observations of the Sun's magnetic field during the recent solar maximum, 2003, JGR,108 A1, 1035

Toutain, T. and Kosovichev, A.: Splittings of MDI low-degree p modes, SOHO6 , Boston

Last updated by Thierry Appourchaux on February 27, 2003